Learn to sing.
Like your favourite artist.
You love to sing, but you are worried that you aren’t good enough?
Maybe someone told you that you suck?
But you want to know what was really missing?
You didn’t have the right tools.
Does this sound like you?
What if you could….
Lessons to suit you.
We work on your goals, with music you want to sing.
Never miss a lesson.
Singing lessons that fit around your schedule.
Know you’re doing it correctly.
Speed up your training with my on demand Vocal Academy exercise library.
Always feel supported.
Get stuck mid-week? Whatsapp support for feedback on your singing between classes.

Kia Ora! I’m Zoe,
your vocal coach!
I’m Zoe Stibi a professional vocal coach with over 18 years of experience helping singers like you achieve their dreams.
I started singing lessons when I was 16 years old, and I couldn’t hit a note above a B4 (that is LOW!) for a soprano.
Over the years I got frustrated that teachers seemed to have lessons planned out without any thought for me and my goals? I was sick of being told that I “needed” to learn all styles of singing to be better.
It just simply isn’t true! What ended up happening, is that I got really average at a large range of singing styles.
So I have made it my mission to help women sing with more confidence, because I know you have an incredible voice in there! I am here to get it out of you, and show you exactly what you need to do to sing the music YOU want to sing – and be f**cking kick ass at it!
Helping singers reach their voice goals.
Unsure which singing lesson option suits you best?
We have three options for training, from PAYG to monthly subscriptions.
Vocal Analysis
90min 1:1 voice analysis over Zoom.
Get a written summary of where your voice is currently at and what I recommend you work on for the next 3 months.
Recieve vocal exercises and a training plan to keep working past our lesson
€350 Investment
The Vocal Academy
Learn At Your Pace
Live bi-weekly masterclasses.
Library of with training exercises.
On demand singing lessons.
Get personalised feedback on your progress. You submit a video and we respond with advice.
Small live practice groups.
€49 per month.
Check out current students performing live.
Never worry if you are using supportive vocal techniques again.
Sing the music you love, from Pop to musicals.

Learn The Confidence To Sing In Front Of A Live Audience.
Are you looking for vocal control & freedom?

Online or Live Outside of Munich.
You want to improve your singing voice, but you just don’t know what or how you should practice to get better? You find yourself getting frustrated with your voice, because you just want to learn how to do it all better, easier, freer?
In singing lessons, you will learn how to:
Does this sound like you?
Are singing lessons for me?
If you want to improve your voice and get results that are long-lasting, healthy and sustainable, so that you are able to sing well into your later years. Then singing lessons are where you should be.
Why should I start lessons?
You may have tried to learn to sing through YouTube and watching other tutorials, but they just all seem to say the same thing or, even worse, something completely different in each video!
You want to know what works for you, and your voice so that you can get the results that you need in order to feel more confident with your singing voice.
Have you been told that you can’t sing or that you just aren’t “talented” enough for singing?
You really want to sing, but you are not sure if it is a good idea? Can you actually sing?
Then singing lessons are most definitely for you. I will help you to find security in your voice and teach you step by step how you can work and practice each week to improve. Through my guided warm-up and exercises that i provide for you weekly, you will make leaps and bounds after only one lesson.
So what are you waiting for? Sign up for a discovery call, so we can get that voice of yours moving asap.