Jealousy nearly ruined everything for me.

Jealousy nearly ruined everything for me. It ruined my ability to be open and accept help. It ruined my chance to get to know the most fabulous singers that I have met along the way. It sabotaged my auditions and I KNOW it is the reason why I f**ked up my dance calls. 

I hope you don’t, but I often used to think “I can do it better than them”, why didn’t I get the role or the job or the solo? 

In the end it had nothing to do with me, or my voice or what I thought I was capable of doing, it was about the way I looked, or the way our heights fit into the other roles, or the size of the shoes. There was nothing to be jealous about in the end. 

At the end of the day, the jealously only clouded my ability to concentrate on me and what I was doing, it stopped me from doing what I knew I could do, and ultimately made me more nervous and unsure about my auditions and performances. 

Anna was someone I was hella jealous of, beautiful, talented, she got all the solos and she was the nicest person on the platnet. I didn’t see that back when we were at school though. 

Over the years she focused on her work, and became a full time pro singer. She has produced 4 albums herself, and is doing amazing work in New Zealand and abroad. We went to school together, and I was jealous as hell of her, we sat down and had a chat all about her work and it turns out we were jealous of one another!?

Check out our conversation here on the podcast, Singers Having Coffee.

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