Singen mit Selbstvertrauen – Blog
Wir alle brauchen ein bisschen Hilfe beim Singen. Ich möchte euch großartige Sängerinnen und Sänger inspirieren, aufschlüsseln und informieren!
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Neueste Beiträge
Top 5 Tips For Singing With Allergies!
Hayfever is in full swing here in Europe. I don’t know about you, but my allergies are going crazy! Here are my Top 5 Tips for Singing with allergies. #1 Sounds a bit gross but this is my favourite part of my routine. Nasal Rinsing: Frankly you should do this ALL YEAR ROUND and not just…
Beginner Singers Advice • English • Online Singing Lessons • Singing Lesson Advice • Singing Practice
Starting Singing After Taking Time Off
I know what it is like to want to get better at something, you are super excited about it in the first few weeks and then one day you don’t practice to cook dinner, because you “don’t have time today”. But that is fine, you will do it the next day! Then something else comes up, and…
How To Practice Singing – Effectively.
I know what it is like to want to get better at something, you are super excited about it in the first few weeks and then one day you don’t practice to cook dinner, because you “don’t have time today”. But that is fine, you will do it the next day! Then something else comes up, and…
Aufwärmübungen für die Stimme
Auf meinem YouTube-Kanal findest du über 100 kostenlose Aufwärmübungen für die Stimme. Ich zeige dir Schritt für Schritt, wie du sie ausführen kannst, damit du auch zu Hause an deiner Technik arbeiten kannst.