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Top 5 Tips For Singing With Allergies!

Hayfever is in full swing here in Europe. I don’t know about you, but my allergies are going crazy!

Here are my Top 5 Tips for Singing with allergies.

#1 Sounds a bit gross but this is my favourite part of my routine. Nasal Rinsing: Frankly you should do this ALL YEAR ROUND and not just in allergy season. My ENT always said, we wash our face and brush our teeth, why don’t we wash the biggest filter of them all? Our nose. This has been the biggest life safer for my nose, and less mucus = happy singing voice.

#2 This one seems obvious, but drinking any type of fluid can help thin mucus and thus make that thickend pollen filled mucus flow with ease! Coffee counts to btw.

#3  I feel like this one should be an “all year round” thing. By breathing through your nose, you of course filter the air before it hits your vocal folds. You also warm and hydrate the air before it hits those bad boys, so be sure to breathe through your nose, your voice will thank you for it.It filters all the pollen and bits.

#4 I am all for a good over the counter remedy, please by all means you do what you need to do. Just be careful when you take antihistamines as their job is to dry everything out.  You will most likey need to work harder afterwards than if you had left them be. If you do need to take meds to manage your hayfever, speak with your specialist about which are best for singers.  

#5 Rest your voice: If you are really suffering with your hayfever and your throat is just not playing ball then I recommend you visit a specilist and take some vocal rest. Don’t go and sing that Elphaba song you wanted to, stick to the easy stuff whilst the pollen is flying. 

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