Current Singers Platform
All online resources can be found here.
Warm ups, masterclasses and studio calendar can be found over on the skool platform.
Need to change a class?
Use the Accuity link to change and schedule classes directly through the calendar.
Does this sound like you?

“I Started Seeing A Wonderful Singing Coach Called Zoe Stibi. Through My Voice, She Helped Me To Bring Down Barriers. I Really Love Her Classes.”
– Aurora Burghart
Viv Allen from October Faction
Everyone can learn how to sing.

It’s about singing with the right tools and training plan.
But it’s not about singing for hours and hours; it’s about singing with the right tools and training plan.
Imagine that your singing is like working out.
You could struggle, sifting through endless YouTube videos by yourself but not knowing if you are doing the right things.
OR you could seek guidence from the Vocal Academy and with the right tools you can be singing higher, louder and with more presence in no time.
It took me years of training to master the techniques that really work. It’s not your fault if you’ve struggled.
With the right guidance, you can transform your voice and boost your confidence.
Feedback From Happy Singers
What’s In The Vocal Academy?

Here’s what’s waiting for you when you join THE ACADEMY
Zoe’s Singing Students Rocking The Stage!

Who is Zoe Stibi?
I’m Zoe Stibi a professional vocal coach with over 15 years of experience helping singers like you achieve their dreams. I’ve experienced the same self-doubt and confusion you might be feeling now, which is why I created The Vocal Academy – to provide a clear, effective path to vocal success.