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Top 5 Tips For Singing With Allergies!
Hayfever is in full swing here in Europe. I don’t know about you, but my allergies are going crazy! Here are my Top 5 Tips for Singing with allergies. #1 Sounds a bit gross but this is my favourite part of my routine. Nasal Rinsing: Frankly you should do this ALL YEAR ROUND and not just…

7 reasons singing makes you healthier.
There have been countless studies done about how singing can benefit your health, let’s just run through a few of the main reasons why you should hop to it and get ta singing! Stress Reduction I talked at length about this, over on my post about how singing stimulates the Vagus nerve, but in short….

Why Do I Struggle With Singing High Notes?
I’ve been working with a number of students this week who have struggled with hitting those tricky high notes, and it got me thinking—it’s a common challenge for many singers. Whether you’re learning how to sing higher or aiming to sing loud and high, the struggle can be real. But it’s not impossible to overcome!…
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