Throat hurting when you sing high?! 😭 – Learn to Sing Without Strain
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Throat hurting when you sing high?! 😭 – Learn to Sing Without Strain

99% of the time you aren’t going to actually feel pain when you strain your voice. So we want to look out for other signs of vocal strain and learn how to remedy them.   Do you find your throat starts to close up when you start to sing?   Do you find hitting high notes hard?  …

Is breath over used in singing teaching? – Learn to Sing
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Is breath over used in singing teaching? – Learn to Sing

Breathing is often considered far too important when we talk about singing. So while I included it in the course, I don’t want you to apply it to everything that you do. Let me explain:  The breathing lesson is focused on releasing the abdominal wall to breathe lower into the lungs. Our lungs are bigger…

Don’t do this! and how to fix them – Learn to sing!
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Don’t do this! and how to fix them – Learn to sing!

Struggle with your singing? Not sure that you SHOULD and SHOULDN’T be spending your time on? I have made all of these so that you do not have to. Coming straight out of my singing studio to you! FREE LIVE MASTERCLASS – Sing Without Strain. I will take you through the 3 main causes of…

7 reasons singing makes you healthier.
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7 reasons singing makes you healthier.

There have been countless studies done about how singing can benefit your health, let’s just run through a few of the main reasons why you should hop to it and get ta singing! Stress Reduction I talked at length about this, over on my post about how singing stimulates the Vagus nerve, but in short….

How Singing Influences the Vagus Nerve (and why it matters for singing)
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How Singing Influences the Vagus Nerve (and why it matters for singing)

The vagus nerve, also known as the “wandering nerve,” is the longest cranial nerve in the body, running from the brainstem to various organs, including the heart, lungs, and digestive tract. It is an essential part of the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for the body’s rest and digest response. Singing has been found to have…

How to practice singing
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How to practice singing

“People are rewarded in public for what they practice for years in private.” Tony Robbins Not sure how you can practice singing? What you should work on or how on earth you know you are getting better? I will outline my top ways I teach students daily to better their practice. Firstly, I want to…